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ई-रीडर के साथ बुकर टी. वाशिंगटन द्वारा हाथों से काम करते हुए ई-पुस्तक पढ़ें!
I. Moral Values of Hand Work
II. Training for Conditions
III. A Battle Against Prejudice
IV. Making Education Pay Its Way
V. Building Up a System
VI. Welding Theory and Practice
VII. Head and Hands Together
VIII. Lessons in Home-Making
IX. Outdoor Work for Women
X. Helping the Mothers
XI. The Tillers of the Ground
XII. Pleasure and Profit of Work in the Soil
XIII. On the Experimental Farm
XIV. The Eagerness for Learning
XV. The Value of Small Things
XVI. Religious Influences at Tuskegee
XVII. Some Tangible Results
XVIII. Spreading the Tuskegee Spirit
XIX. Negro Education Not a Failure
The worth of work with the hands as an uplifting power in real education was first brought home to me with striking emphasis when I was a student at the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, which was at that time under the direction of the late General S. C. Armstrong. But I recall with interest an experience, earlier than my Hampton training, along similar lines of enlightenment, which came to me when I was a child. Soon after I was made free by the proclamation of Abraham Lincoln, there came the new opportunity to attend a public school at my home town in West Virginia. When the teacher said that the chief purpose of education was to enable one to speak and write the English language correctly, the statement found lodgment in my mind and stayed there. While at the time I could not put my thoughts into words clearly enough to express instinctive disagreement with my teacher, this definition did not seem adequate, it grated harshly upon my young ears, and I had reasons for feeling that education ought to do more for a boy than merely to teach him to read and write. While this scheme of education was being held up before me, my mother was living in abject poverty, lacking the commonest necessaries of life, and working day and night to give me a chance to go to school for two or three months of the year. And my foremost aim in going to school was to learn ways and means by which I might make life more endurable, and if possible even attractive, for my mother.
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Last updated on May 23, 2022
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How to work with hands
1.0 by Classy eBooks
May 23, 2022