Community Guidelines
APKPure Community Guidelines
When you use APKPure, you join a community of people from all over the world. Every cool, new community feature on APKPure involves a certain level of trust. Millions of users respect that trust and we trust you to be responsible too.
You might not like everything you see on APKPure. If you think content is inappropriate, use the report feature to submit it for review by our APKPure staff. Our staff carefully reviews report content whether there’s a violation of our Community Guidelines.
We respectfully request that you follow these policies when commenting on an application:
- Don’t post content that is sexually explicit or contains profanity.
- Don’t post violent or horrible or bloody images.
- Don’t post fake reviews intended to boost or lower ratings.
- Don’t post content that is abusive or hateful or threatens or harasses others.
- Don’t post content considered spam or advertising phishing sites links.
- Don’t post discriminatory or derogatory comments.
- Don’t post political, religious, and other "prone to huge arguments" content.
- Don't Post personally identifiable information (i.e. name, address, email, phone number, etc.), or any other information that is not publicly accessible.
In order to make our community strong, you might also like to follow these guidelines and tips:
- Keep it readable; don't use excessive capitalization and punctuation.
- Post clear, valuable, and honest information.
- Try to include both positives and drawbacks.
- Be nice to others; don't attack others.
- Use proper grammar and check your spelling.
- Make your comments useful and informative.
We will remove any comments that include such materials, and we reserve the right to block or remove any user who does not comply with these community guidelines. Thank you!